animation film
created by: RIATOSIS
We never learn from our mistakes ...
we repeat them over and over just saying ...

This is a short movie about 3-3,5’, without dialogues and built on suspense sounds and energetic music.

The movie is called 'The story of my life'* - it's an english expression used to indicate that a previously described incident (often a mishap) is typical of what tends to happen. (*the name is mostly ironical)

The idea of the movie is quite simple: usually when we face a problem, we like to make it much a bigger deal than it really is, so this short film is dedicated to the people who like being dramatic about their problems (as I, myself, am)
Slowly, he looks under the table and squints to see the thread. For a second the end of the thread moves slightly. The cat startles with shock and curiosity. Everything becomes vibrational and more colorful, except the ball of thread, it gets grayer, as pink is a ‘blind spot’ for cats’ eyes. The cat’s face gets covered with an evil grin, everything around disappears.
TSOML is a metaphorical caricature -> there is an ordinary cat that sees a ball of thread and starts creating his own world where the ball of thread is a monster that changes its forms and tries to put cat's life in danger (in cat's opinion), so the cat is fighting back with all his strength and excitement.
At first glance the film seems to be very light and easy, but like the idea it has a lot of hidden rocks, meaning some interesting/deep features:
There are two different worlds: the real one and the cat's world: The real world is built with the soft, detailed, traditional illustration, while the cat's world is simple (like the character's mind), abstract and saturated
In the cat's world, the thread loses its color from pink to gray because pink color is a 'blind spot' for cats' eyes, and the neon pink outline of the thread is the connection with the real world (which is supposed to be visible only for audience)
Camera movements. The camera in the real world is still, spacious and creates the effect of a good, lazy day (like the cat usually spends it); meanwhile, in the cat's world (because it's dangerous, scary and exciting) the camera is moving, everything is dynamic and intense
There are only 3 characters (cat, ball of thread and cat's owner - a woman), which is great because it's easier to get acquainted with them for animators
Animation itself. It's a traditional, frame by frame animation. There is a complicated animation of the thread in the cat's world which is gonna be elaborated and completed from scratch by me
The beginning and the end of the movie are happening in the real world and some camera positions are repeated, so it makes a good composition and an effect of the loop
This movie is quite short 3-3,5' and needs only music and some sound effects
characterS description

This is a spoiled character, he lives in a lovely house with a human being who loves him the most; he knows it, so he acts like the whole life is about him and only him, let’s say so - big ego. He’s smart, even if he destroys everything he knows how to behave to soften his owner down. The cat is gorgeous, he has soft hair, and he's really well groomed. He’s a bit chubby but not really -> he’s just fluffy.
Even if he acts like a devil, his face can immediately turn angelic. Everything that's moving becomes an adventurous game for him and he takes this game very seriously, he’s smart and stubborn, no difficulty can stop him (I mean he creates it, so…). When there is nothing interesting, he sleeps, he’s a lazy cat, only his own dramas can make him active.
(real world)
MS - medium shot
CUs - closeups
MFS - medium full shot
FS - full shot
His movements are wider and more dramatic. Meanwhile in the real world he’s more like a real cat, but in some moments his true personality slips in.
(cat`s world)
The cat character in the real world is quite different with expressions and reactions from the cat character in his own world. In the cat’s world the main character is more expressive, his mouth as well as his eyes gets huge when he smiles or screams or going nuts.
His movements are wider and more dramatic. Meanwhile in the real world he’s more like a real cat, but in some moments his true personality slips in.
(cat`s world)
The cat character in the real world is quite different with expressions and reactions from the cat character in his own world. In the cat’s world the main character is more expressive, his mouth as well as his eyes gets huge when he smiles or screams or going nuts.
It becomes formless, sizeless and gray. But still the outline of the thread is pink to make the connection with the real world (and also just put some bright, interesting colors in the movie).
The thread in the cat’s head is quick and cunning -> or it'd be not so interesting for the cat. It plays with the cat like with its puppet and even if the cat tries so hard to win, he can’t outsmart his puppeteer.
It becomes formless, sizeless and gray. But still the outline of the thread is pink to make the connection with the real world (and also just put some bright, interesting colors in the movie).
The thread in the cat’s head is quick and cunning -> or it'd be not so interesting for the cat. It plays with the cat like with its puppet and even if the cat tries so hard to win, he can’t outsmart his puppeteer.
The owner of the cat is a woman in her late 60s, she lives alone with her cat (no husband, no family, just her and her cat). She loves cooking and spending time at home, so she has a lot of home hobbies like reading, knitting, planting, watching tv, etc. She is very kind, but has a very strong personality, so it’s better not to cross her limits.
Her house is incredibly cozy, bright and clean, it smells like home-made food and cookies. She is strong, she does everything herself. She is a beautiful woman and has forms. Her eyes are kind and she has a motherly look, also she has an incredible smile. She’s always in a good mood and her face is quite expressive (especially her eyebrows)
Technical info
a. Genre - comedy, caricature
b. Format - short film
c. Method - 2D
d. Duration - 3-3,5 min
e. Audience - 7+ (but, mostly, the targeted audience is adults)
How is it possible to make
a mountain out of a molehill?!
I’d say - just look inside someone’s head
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